time to meal prep and menu plan! success starts in the kitchen! let's get organized! we are here to help. use these printables to help you prepare to SUCCEED!

HEALTH & FITNESS CALENDAR plan your meals, your workouts, and your water intake!

21 DAY FIX SHOPPING LIST use this shopping list template with 21 Day Fix container categories to help you with grocery shopping.
some ideas for containers:
GREEN kale, spinach, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, onions, tomatoes
PURPLE berries, apples, banana, pineapple, grapes
RED chicken breast, ground turkey, fish, Greek yogurt, eggs, Shakeology, cottage cheese
BLUE hummus, coconut milk, feta cheese, mozzarella, almonds, avocado
YELLOW brown rice, black beans, quinoa, chickpeas, whole grain pasta, peas
ORANGE dressings, olives, evoo
WEEKLY MENU PLANNER set aside time to plan your meals, even your snacks. you know what they say, failure to plan is a plan to fail!
are you curious about 21 Day Fix? we would love for you to join us on this round! 21 days, 30 minutes a day, clean eating, and portion control guidance! order today to get it in time to start with us. you'll be invited to join our online accountability group, where we will be there to encourage you along the way and share our 21DF tips and tricks.
we're starting NOW! to place your order and read all about 21 Day Fix: ORDER NOW